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Chapter 1: Forward: Babylonian Talmudic Hatred of Humans -- Are You a Victim of the Worship of Molech



Chapter 2: Come and Hear:  America’s New Government Church – Death for Christians



Chapter 3: Come and Hear: Sex with Children by Talmud Rules



Chapter 4: Come and Hear: Human Sacrifice, the Talmud, and the Moloch Problem



Chapter 5: United States v. Uzamere


Chapter 6: Uzamere v. Various Ashkenazi Leaders and Ashkenazi Judaism as a Hate Group


Chapter 7: Chapters of the Original Website


Chapter 8: Once Upon a Time


Chapter 9: Victim's Statement


Chapter 10: My Search for Justice


Chapter 11: Descent into Hell


Chapter 12: U.S. Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere



Chapter 13: Nigerian Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere



Chapter 14: Ignored by Federal Agencies


Chapter 15: Ignored by Nigerian Authorities


Chapter 16: Victims' Loss of Child Support


Chapter 17: The Uzamere Family


Chapter 18: Municipal Employees Who Helped Senator Uzamere


Chapter 19: John Gray and Non-Profit Legal Community


Chapter 20: Hall of Shame


Chapter 21: 1st Judicial Blow by African-American Judge Thomas


Chapter 22: Law Firm of Allen E. Kaye


Chapter 23: Too Many Discrepancies...


Chapter 24: Allen E. Kaye And His Diabolical Talmud-Following Minions


Chapter 25: Will Sampson Staff Refuse to Help Identity Fraud Victims?


Chapter 26:  Law Office of Gladstein and Messinger


Chapter 27: Patrick Synmoie's Attempts to Hide


Chapter 28: Consulate General of Nigeria


Chapter 29: Strange Chat with Senator Ekweremadu


Chapter 30: Proof of Legal Marriage


Chapter 31: Proof of Illegal Marriage/Identity Fraud


Chapter 32: Senator Uzamere's Attempts to Hide Crimes Will Fail


Chapter 33: The Proof...


Chapter 34: Success -- The Proof Is Finally Here!


Chapter 35: Will Senator Uzamere Evade Child Support Again?


Chapter 36: Nigeria's New Commitment to Protect Child Abandoned by Sen. Uzamere


Chapter 37: Judge Prus -- What Gives?


Chapter 38: Back on Track!


Chapter 39: Eugene Uzamere -- Third Attorney to Break the Law


Chapter 40: Petitioner's Verified Petition


Chapter 41: Supplemental Verified Petition


Chapter 42: Judge Prus Recuses Himself


Chapter 43: Eugene's Failed Attempt to Thwart Justice


Chapter 44: Kate Ezomo -- Diabolical Liar


Chapter 45: Letters of Complaint Against Kate Ezomo


Chapter 46: My Factual Response to Imaginary Cousin Godwin


Chapter 47: Federal Action Against Defendant Dismissed


Chapter 48: Open Letters to the FBI


Chapter 49: Open Letter to All U.S. Judges


Chapter 50: Open Letter to Ehigie and Eugene


Chapter 51: Tara's Affidavit


Chapter 52: $100,000,000.00 Lawsuit Against Corrupt Fiduciaries


Chapter 53: Will Fiduciaries Settle?


Chapter 54: New York City Defrauds Disabled Schvartze


Chapter 55: There Is No Cousin Godwin!


Chapter 56: Warning Letter to Governor and Chief Justice of New York State


Chapter 57: Deprived of Child Support by Allen Kaye


Chapter 58: Can International Agency Help?


Chapter 59: Chief Judge Wood's Court


Chapter 60: Will NYS' Dept. Disc. Committee and Commission on Judicial Conduct Be Corrupted?


Chapter 61: Subpoena Planned for Judge Garaufis


Chapter 62: No Negotiations for Justice...Justice is Owed!


Chapter 63: Will Attorneys Sign Affirmation?


Chapter 64: Am I Finally Being Taken Seriously?


Chapter 65: Evidentiary Hearing is Scheduled!


Chapter 66: Amy Feinstein Refuses to Prosecute!


Chapter 67: Robert Juceam's Useless Excuses


Chapter 68: No Justice -- No Peace!


Chapter 69: Happy Birthday My Beautiful Angel


Chapter 70: Are You a Victim of a Green Card Marriage Scam?


Chapter 71: End Green Card Marriage Sponsorship


Chapter 72: How to Report an Immigration Scammer and the Attorney


Chapter 73: Is the End Finally in Sight?


Chapter 74: Will Appellate Division Justices Decide Fairly?


Chapter 75: What Will NYSCJC's Response Be?


Chapter 76: How Will NYSDDC Respond?


Chapter 77: Will Obama's Administration Coerce Helpless Schvartze's Silence


Chapter 78: Will U.S. Department of State's Secretary Rise to The Challenge?


Chapter 79: Eugene Uzamere Calls It Quits


Chapter 80: Bigot Judge Sunshine Continues Courtroom Corruption


Chapter 81: Schvartze's Complaints Still Ignored by Appellate Division's White Judiciary


Chapter 82: More Talmudic Bias and Anti-Schvartze Racism At SDNY


Chapter 83: Senator Uzamere...You Are the Husband!


Chapter 84: Will U.S. Solicitor General Office Look on Idly?


Chapter 85: What will SCOTUS Do?


Chapter 86: Why did they disobey?


Chapter 87: Cabranes' Fraud Upon the Court


Chapter 88: Is Hinds-Radix Their 'Secret' Weapon?


Chapter 89: New York State Lawsuit for Fraud


Chapter 90: Judge Sunshine Is a Loser


Chapter 91: Judge Sunshine Out of Options


Chapter 92: Petitioner Prepares Request for Rehearing


Chapter 93: Petition for Rehearing


Chapter 94: Loser Sunshine's Last Hurrah


Chapter 95: Lawsuit Against Daily News and Scott Shifrel


Chapter 96: Mort Zuckerman's Bigoted Tabloid


Chapter 97: Corruption at Nassau County Supreme Court and Nassau County Clerk


Chapter 98: Judge Scuccimarra Ruling


Chapter 99: Defendants Have Defaulted


Chapter 100: Judge Parga Accepts Anne Carroll's Drivel


Chapter 101: New York Daily News and Anne B. Carroll


Chapter 102: Lawsuit Against President


Chapter 103: Will Obama Listen?


Chapter 104: Open Letter to Al Jazeera, President Obama and Judge Allegra


Chapter 105: More Court Shenanigans


Chapter 106: Molech-Fomented Anti-Black Racism at Howard University


Chapter 107:  Into the fire...


Chapter 108: What Will The New York State Division of Human Rights Do?


Chapter 109: Housing Court Corruption


Chapter 110: Mayor Bloomberg's Finest


Chapter 111: FEGS in Criminal Conspiracy


Chapter 112: FEGS Gave Victim No Choice


Chapter 113: What Will The New York State Supreme Court Do?


Chapter 114: What Will Court of Claims Do?


Chapter 115: Molech-Worshipers’ Abuse of Religion Not New


Chapter 116: How Wicked Are They?


Chapter 117: What a Bunch of Lies


Chapter 118: Federal Lawsuit


Chapter 119: Disastrous Results to Appeal


Chapter 120: Judge Garaufis' Discriminatory Decision


Chapter 121: Garaufis' Talmudic Shenanigans


Chapter 122: FOIA Hiding Evidence


Chapter 123: Congressional Testimony


Chapter 124: Unintelligible Complaint of Rachel G. Yohalem


Chapter 125: Uzamere v. USA


Chapter 126: Judicial Whores Willy and Patty


Chapter 127: Find an Unbiased Court


Chapter 128: U.S. Government Blacklists Own Citizens


Chapter 129: Appellate Brief First Circuit


Chapter 130: U.S. Government Hides Prosecution


Chapter 131: A Molech-Fomented RICO


Chapter 132: Molech-Fomented Doctrine -- Law of the Moser


Chapter 133: Will African American Victim of Grand Larceny Receive Justice?


Chapter 134: Judicial Ethics Hypocrite


Chapter 135: Molech-Fomented Shenanigans Involved in Random Selection of Morally Compromised Judge



Chapter 136: Please save my family!


Chapter 137: Psychopathic Defendants


Chapter 138: Molech-Fomented Paradigm Puts Molech Worshipers in Positions of Power



Chapter 139: Pretender Bharara


Chapter 140: International Lawsuit against Israel, the United States and Nigeria



Chapter 141: A Real Man


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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses; Sexual Sadism Disorder Diagnostic Criteria 302.84 (F65.52)


Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the physical or psychological suffering of another person, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.


The individual has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


Diagnostic Features


The diagnostic criteria for sexual sadism disorder are intended to apply both to individuals who freely admit to having such paraphilic interests and to those who deny any sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another individual despite substantial objective evidence to the contrary.


. . .Examples of individuals who deny any interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another individual include individuals known to have inflicted pain or suffering on multiple victims on separate occasions but who deny any urges or fantasies about such sexual behavior and who may further claim that known episodes of sexual assault were either unintentional or nonsexual. Others may admit past episodes of sexual behavior involving the infliction of pain or suffering on a nonconsenting individual but do not report any significant or sustained sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another individual. Since these individuals deny having urges or fantasies involving sexual arousal to pain and suffering, it follows that they would also deny feeling subjectively distressed or socially impaired by such impulses. Such individuals may be diagnosed with sexual sadism disorder despite their negative self-report. Their recurrent behavior constitutes clinical support for the presence of the paraphilia of sexual sadism (by satisfying Criterion A) and simultaneously demonstrates that their paraphilically motivated behavior is causing clinically significant distress, harm, or risk of harm to others (satisfying Criterion B).


"Recurrent" sexual sadism involving nonconsenting others (i.e., multiple victims, each on a separate occasion) may, as general rule, be interpreted as three or more victims on separate occasions. Fewer victims can be interpreted as satisfying this criterion, if there are multiple instances of infliction of pain and suffering to the same victim, or if there is corroborating evidence of a strong or preferential interest in pain and suffering involving multiple victims. Note that multiple victims, as suggested earlier, are a sufficient but not a necessary condition for diagnosis, as the criteria may be met if the individual acknowledges intense sadistic sexual interest.


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What the Babylonian Talmud says about the worship of Molech: Mishnah. He who gives of his seed to Molech incurs no punishment unless he delivers it to Molech and causes it to pass through the fire. If he gave it to Molech but did not cause it to pass through the fire, or the reverse, he incurs no penalty, unless he does both.


Gemara. The Mishnah teaches idolatry and giving to Molech. R(abbi) Abin said: Our Mishnah is in accordance with the view that Molech worship is not idolatry.


Informing on Fellow Jews who Commit Crimes:

Mesira in Modern Times

(Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Abodah Zarah, Folio 26b)


Rabbi Michael J. Broyde*

The S. Daniel Abraham &

Ira L. Rennert Torah Ethics Project

The Orthodox Caucus

Toronto, Canada

Netivot HaTorah Day School

October 19, 2001, at 8:00 p.m.


Even though Jewish law expects people to observe the laws of the land, and even imposes that obligation as a religious duty, the Talmud recounts - in a number of places - that it is prohibited to inform on Jews to the secular government, even when their conduct is a violation of secular law and even when their conduct is a violation of Jewish law...Even is secular government...incorporate(s) substantive Jewish law into secular law and punish violations of what is, in effect, Jewish law, Jews would still be prohibited from cooperating with such a system. Indeed, classical Jewish law treats a person who frequently informs on others as a pursuer (a rodef) who may be killed to prevent him from informing, even without a formal court ruling.

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The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 audiobook murdered 30 days after this interview (click on video to hear Youtube interview). In this video, Mr. Rosenthal talked about the Ashkenazi Jewish plan to take over the United States and the world.

Menachem Begin

Ovadia Yusef

Talmud -- Kill the best of the goyim


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The Lost Item of a Gentile: “If his intention is that he, and not the faith or Israel, should be praised, or because he loves the Gentile and has mercy on him, it is forbidden [to return the Gentile’s lost item]”)


Rabbis Say It’s OK to Kill Goyim: This is not science fiction people. This is not said by some anti-Semitic KKK or Neo-Nazis these are Rabbis saying it’s OK to kill non-Jews including children. I have found most of the most damning information about Jewish crimes comes from Jewish sources not so called anti-Semitic.

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Paul Bonacci was one of many children who were taken from Nebraska’s Boys Town foster care/adoption network, brought to the White House and savagely raped. In this video, Mr. Bonacci describes being taken from the White House with Nicholas and an unnamed boy. Paul and Nicholas were forced to rape the boy at gunpoint by the person who filmed the event. Later the unnamed child was sodomized by the person making the video until his anus bled, kicked repeatedly in the head and then shot to death – all after being raped in the White House by Ashkenazi/Jewish and non-Ashkenazi/Jewish politicians and corporate leaders. Also see https://youtu.be/8b61iIQCapY.




Editor’s Note:  Donald Gregg, National Security Advisor to George H.W. Bush was tasked with silencing those involved.  He turned to the CIA.   The Franklin Scandal was only one aspect of a much larger “call boy” operation moving children and teenagers, picked up from Boys Town, Catholic orphanages and off the streets, and housed in Washington and New York primarily.

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Click on the two photos above to see video.



White Gentiles Women

Beautiful White Ladies Who Are Victims of Rape in Israel

Angelique Sabag Gautiller -- Israel's first female pimp

White Slave Trade

Israel’s first female pimp, Angelique Sabag Gautiller, Israel's first female pimp and one of many whore houses in Tel Aviv, Israel that Israeli pimps use to force beautiful, delicate White ladies from Russia and Slavic countries who have been tricked and lured with promises of respectable jobs in Israel and then forced to part with their virginity and gang raped every night by sexually perverted Israeli and Arab men.

Sex bar in the old central bus station area, Tel Aviv
These streets are crowded with sex bars, sex shops and sex parlors.

The old central bus station area, Tel Aviv, on the street with the most sex parlors.
Sometimes it's surprising to see who the customers are.

The old central bus station area (also called Neveh Sha'anan) is the red light district of Tel Aviv. Over the years, it became mostly populated with foreign and illegal workers. Several suicide bombing attacks have been carried out here during the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. In the present, it is the worst place in Tel Aviv, a world of prostitution and drugs, with a high crime rate.
Who can rent here a cheap appartment or open up a shop, is considered lucky, since so many people sleep on the streets or in deserted buildings. They have no other place to go to.



Ira, 23 - Her mother left Russia after the divorce, together with her two daughters, hoping for a better life in Israel. Ira started to take drugs, her mother gave up on her and doesn't let her in the house anymore, scared that her other daughter will take Ira's example. She lives now on the street and works as a prostitute. After a two-day-storm and heavy rain when she slept on the streets, despite all the hot tea and blankets, she was shivering the whole day at the shelter for prostitutes.



Jasmin waiting for clients on a Friday night.


·         How 11 New York City Babies Contracted Herpes Through - Health;

·         Baby Dies of Herpes Virus in Ritual Circumcision in NYC Orthodox ...;

·         Herpes cases among babies linked to ultra-Orthodox Jewish;

·         NYC, Orthodox Jews in talks over ritual after herpes cases - USA Today;

·         11 Babies Infected with Herpes in New York - Sandra Rose;

·         CDC: 11 infants contracted herpes due to controversial Jewish ...;

·         New York Baby Infected with Herpes After Metzitza B'peh;

·         New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish ... - New York Post;

·         Orthodox Rabbis Fight NYC's Effort to Warn Parents About Herpes ...

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Jewish Wisdom: What is a Goy?


Talmudic Jews 'Non-Jews Goyim Are Beasts to

Serve Us as Slaves'


One of his Assembly colleagues calls the apology "a beginning" but inadequate.

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Yair Netanyahu’s Night of Debauchery Revealed in Bombshell Recordings: Younger Netanyahu heard asking his friend, a gas tycoon's son, for NIS 400 for strippers, saying he owed him for $20 billion deal advanced by PM (click on photo to hear Yair audiotape)


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“Rachel” (Vicki Polin) on Oprah Winfrey Show Discussing “Rachel’s” Ashkenazi Jewish Parents Introducing Her to Ashkenazi Jewish Ritual Murder and Rape of Children (click on photo to see Youtube video).



The Ashkenazi Jewish Slave Trade was not primarily for cheap labor. The race of the victims was used as an excuse to cover the real goal. The real reason for Ashkenazi-influenced enslavement of Africans (and all other people since) is demonic torture, sex and murder. The Babylonian Talmud advocates what the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Illnesses, Volume 5 describes as sexual sadism. Unless it is forcibly stopped, this group of people (including non-Ashkenazi members who have aligned themselves with Molech-worshiping members of the Ashkenazim) will not stop torturing, raping and killing. Like the demons who possess them, they are sex addicts. Without Jehovah-approved force, they will not stop. They will continue to use politics, race, financial issues and other irrelevant issues in the same manner that all junkies use excuses to hide their addiction. There are no political, religious, social or other irrelevant issues. They are snuff addicts. Unless they are stopped, they will continue to try to satiate an insatiable appetite for torture, deviant sex and murder – a parasitic appetite that, if left unchecked, will be the undoing of the entire human race. They are snuff addicts. Nothing more – nothing less.

Jew whipping slave[6]

Ashkenazi sexual sadist achieving climax by using a whip to rape a helpless human being to death.

Jews controlled African slavery

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Jewish control over American slavery #2


Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, III, Bernice King, Dexter Scott King and Yolanda King, Plaintiffs, v. T.D. Loyd Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, Defendants.


Slave  Sale by Levin

The Ringworm Children- dealings between the US and Israeli_Nazi governments

The Ringworm Children

Tzila Levine and the Ashkenazi who took her

Yemeni child stolen and given to Ashkenazi woman

Tziona Heiman and her biological Yemeni mother

Adult child with biological mother

Israel's Yemeni Baby Scandal

The Lavon Affair

Lavon Affair # 4

Deaths at U.S.S. Liberty


Injuries at U.S.S. Liberty


U.S.S. Liberty Attacks America

U.S.S. Liberty Gravesites

USS Liberty Crew

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Israel Abuses Thai Workers

Thai workers in Israel

Israeli False Flag on France #2

Israeli False Flag on France #3

Israeli False Flag on France #4

MH17 -- Israel False Flag

Israel Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday (click on photo to read article)


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Israeli schoolchildren dressed up as the burning

Twin Towers. Costume won best prize.


Countries that lost citizens on 9/11:



Israel Did 9/11; Dr. Alan Sabrosky (click on photo

to see Youtube video)


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9/11 Alleged Hijackers Alive and Well (click on

photo to see Youtube video)


WTC Destruction of Building

WTC Falling Death4

WTC Falling Death2[3]

WTC Falling Death6

WTC Falling Death

WTC dead hand

Palestinians Killed and Scorned by Jews

Dead Palestinian Children

Palestinian Girl's Brains Blown Out

Palestinian child with guts blown out

Palestinian Princess 3

Palestinian Victime of Jew Kidney Grubbing

Israelis using pepper spray against Palestinians

Ethiopian Women and Depo Provera

Haaretz Story of Ethiopian Women Given Depo Provera

Mike Peled


Israel-Islamic State Trafficking in Body Parts

From Israel with Kidney

Israeli Kidney Network Busted in Ukraine

Israel Kidney Scandal in UkraineScreen-shot-2012-03-18-at-12.56.25-PM

Israel Steals Kidneys from HaitiEthiopians Go Back to Africa
Baltimore Is Here
Israelizing the Police

Amadou Diallo -- 41 Shots

Freddie Gray

Freddie Gray dragged (2)

Freddie Gray in Hospital


Sean Bell 50 Shots

Sean Bell Funeral

Rodney King and Police Assault

Eric Garner Alive with Daughter

Eric Garner Chokehold

Eric Garner Dead

Eric Garner Funeral

NYC Settles Garner Death for 5.9 Million

State Trooper who saw Tawana

Nurse who interviewed Tawana

Tawana Brawley in Hospital

Tawana Crying

C._Vernon_Mason (2)


The Crimes of Senator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere

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“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”

שְׁמַע,יִשְׂרָאֵל: יְהוָהאֱלֹהֵינוּ,יְהוָהאֶחָד


            “Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying: “…’Any man of Israel and any foreigner who resides in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech should be put to death without fail…I myself will set my face against that man, and I will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech and has defiled my holy place and has profaned my holy name. If the people of the land should deliberately close their eyes to what that man does when he gives his offspring to Molech and they do not put him to death, then I myself will certainly set my face against that man and his family. I will cut off that man from his people along with all who join him in prostituting themselves to Molech.

Talmud -- Kill the best of the goyimJew whipping slave[6]cid:image113.jpg@01D3943D.12028FB0cid:image023.jpg@01D3943D.12028FB0A person lying on a bed

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Description generated with very high confidencecid:image100.jpg@01D2D940.D7866850A group of people posing for the camera

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Chapter 108:


What Will the New York State Division of Human Rights Do? Will The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Civil Rights Division, the NYS Division of Human Rights, NAMI and the NYS Office of Mental Health  address the NYS government's violation of mentally ill client's HIPAA rights?


Or will the U.S. government's Jewish supremacists continue their attack on mentally ill schvartze?


Wicked Jewish supremacists and their supporters -- their satanic, psychopathic reliance on the Talmud-oriented doctrine Law of the Moser is now exposed for the whole world to see...if you believe that Jewish supremacists don't discriminate against helpless mentally disabled schvartzes and their children -- think again!!!  Jewish supremacists are more hateful than the KKK


Victim and children --

preyed on by psychopathic

Jewish supremacists


Allen E. Kaye --

Jewish supremacist whose facilitation of immigration/identity fraudster tore apart victim's family


Ehigie E. Uzamere --

Immigration and Identity fraudster...ran off and abandoned pregnant wife


Judge Heitler --

Jewish supremacist... allows Jewish supremacist judge to protect those who violated victim's HIPAA rights


Kathleen Sebelius -

supporter of Jewish supremacists...allows

Jewish bullies to violate victim's HIPAA rights


Georgina Verdugo -

supporter of Jewish supremacists...does nothing while Jewish bullies violate victim's HIPAA rights


Andrew Cuomo --

supporter of Jewish supremacists...AAG Gwendolyn Hatcher prepares answer that aids and abets NYS' violation of HIPAA


Judge Kluger --

Jewish supremacist... allows court to violate victim's HIPAA rights


Galen Kirkland --

in a government full of Jewish supremacists, he has no power to help fellow schvartze


Michael Hogan -

supporter of Jewish supremacists...allows Jewish supremacists to violate victim's HIPAA rights


John Allen --

Jewish supremacist... loyal to the Talmud; obeying the NYS and U.S. Constitutions is done for convenience


Mike Fitzpatrick --

philanthropy whore; will support Jewish supremacists if they give NAMI money







I know the Jews working for the Office of Civil Rights will conspire to dismiss my complaint, but what else can I do?  I've been libeled a "wacko anti-Semite", so there is nothing else I can do






Victim's explanation of Assistant Attorney General Gwendolyn Hatcher's dumb-assed, criminal answer (i.e. reasons to jail Gwen for aiding/abetting; fraud upon the court):

Gwen's dumb-assed response:

(First Affirmative Defense)



Victim's explanation of response:







Gwen's dumb-assed response:

(Second Affirmative Defense)




Victim's explanation of response:














Gwen's dumb-assed response:

(Third Affirmative Defense)






Victim's explanation of response:














Gwen's dumb-assed response:

(Fourth Affirmative Defense)



Victim's explanation of response:

Fifth: The injuries or damages complained of were caused in whole or part by claimant's own culpable conduct:


"Nigger wacko" victim's symptoms of mental illness caused "one courthouse source" to disclose individually identifiable health information about the aforesaid "wacko" victim to the public via the Daily News.  It was the "nigger wacko" victim's fault.


Sixth:  The defendant through its employees, acted properly, lawfully, without malice, with reasonable and probable cause, in good faith and with legal justification.


The State of New York, through the act of a corrupt Jew described in the Daily News as "one courthouse source" acted properly by: 1) providing the Daily News with a falsified counter-affidavit that fraudulently identified "nigger wacko's ex-husband as "Godwin Uzamere" that New York State Judge Sunshine found to be fraudulent; and 2) the State of New York, through the act of an employee described in the Daily News as "one courthouse source", acted properly by violating HIPAA's laws regarding privacy by disclosing "nigger wacko's" individually identifiable health information to the public via the Daily News.


Seventh:  Defendant through its agents and/or employees took actions which were privileged as being judicial, quasi-judicial or discretionary determinatiuons made by such agents or employees while acting within the scope of their duties as public officials and therefore defendant from any liabiity for such actions.



Defendant through its corrupt Jewish agents and/or corrupt Jewish employees took actions which were privileged by Talmudic/halachic law as being Jewdicial, quasi-Jewdicial or other discretionary determinations made by such corrupt Jewish agents or corrupt Jewish employees while acting within the scope of their duties as enforcers of Talmudic/halachic law to ensure compliance with the Law of the Moser, so that Defendant, by its corrupt Jewish public officials are immune from any liabiity associated with non-Jewish, secular law.



Eighth:  The acts complained of are privileged in nature in that they are activities mandated by statute in the course of the defendant's business for which the defendant has an absolute or qualified privilege.


We know that the acts complained of by the "nigger wacko" are privileged in nature by HIPAA privacy laws; however, we as corrupt Jews are  beholden to non-Jew secular law when it benefits us; when it doesn't we use Talmudic/halachic law or subterfuge.  Defendants' activities that we say are mandated are mandated by Talmudic/halachic law.  Talmudic/halachic law gives us privilege to do what we want.  We pay non-Jewish, secular law no mind at all. We are Ashkenazi Jews.  We are above the non-Jewish, secular law.

New York State Attoney General Gwendolyn Dillard Hatcher Racist, Psychopathic, Criminal Answer


(Click on HIPPA Privacy Law to understand why used the term "criminal" to describe Gwen's dumb-assed answer)







Judge Kluger and Judge Heitler -- Jewish supremacists who, based on the tenets of their religion, will allow a corrupt Jewish judge (or a judge coerced/blackmailed/influenced by their court's corrupt Jewdiciary to violate 28 USC 455 and 22 NYCRR 100.3(E) by handling identity fraud victim's case to hide Jewish defendants' violation of victim's HIPAA privacy rights and for invoking the Talmudic doctrine Law of the Moser to hide Jewish attorneys' facilitation of identity fraud






Tara1.jpgAffidavit of Tara A. Uzamere’ New York State-Licensed Registered Nurse


My daughter's affidavit verifies that I am telling the truth regarding corrupt Jewish supremacist Allen E. Kaye's, Harvey Shapiro's and Bernard Rostanski's facilitation of my ex-husband's identity fraud...unless you believe that she's "wacko" too; Facilitation of false name on Tara's birth certificate facilitated by

corrupt Jewish supremacists Allen E. Kaye, Harvey Shapiro and Bernard J. Rostanski



