Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses; Sexual
Sadism Disorder Diagnostic
Criteria 302.84 (F65.52)
a period of at least 6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the
physical or psychological suffering of another person, as manifested by
fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
individual has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or
the sexual urges or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Diagnostic Features
diagnostic criteria for sexual sadism disorder are intended to apply both to individuals
who freely admit to having such paraphilic interests and to those who deny
any sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another
individual despite substantial objective evidence to the contrary.
. .Examples of individuals who deny any interest in the physical or
psychological suffering of another individual include individuals known to
have inflicted pain or suffering on multiple victims on separate occasions
but who deny any urges or fantasies about such sexual behavior and who may
further claim that known episodes of sexual assault were either unintentional
or nonsexual. Others may admit past episodes of sexual behavior involving the
infliction of pain or suffering on a nonconsenting individual but do not
report any significant or sustained sexual interest in the physical or
psychological suffering of another individual. Since these individuals deny
having urges or fantasies involving sexual arousal to pain and suffering, it
follows that they would also deny feeling subjectively distressed or socially
impaired by such impulses. Such individuals may be diagnosed with sexual
sadism disorder despite their negative self-report. Their recurrent behavior
constitutes clinical support for the presence of the paraphilia of sexual sadism
(by satisfying Criterion A) and simultaneously demonstrates that their
paraphilically motivated behavior is causing clinically significant distress,
harm, or risk of harm to others (satisfying Criterion B).
sexual sadism involving nonconsenting others (i.e., multiple victims, each on
a separate occasion) may, as general rule, be interpreted as three or more
victims on separate occasions. Fewer victims can be interpreted as satisfying
this criterion, if there are multiple instances of infliction of pain and
suffering to the same victim, or if there is corroborating evidence of a
strong or preferential interest in pain and suffering involving multiple
victims. Note that multiple victims, as suggested earlier, are a sufficient
but not a necessary condition for diagnosis, as the criteria may be met if
the individual acknowledges intense sadistic sexual interest.
What the Babylonian Talmud says about the
worship of Molech: Mishnah. He
who gives of his seed to Molech incurs no punishment unless he delivers it to
Molech and causes it to pass through the fire. If he gave it to Molech but
did not cause it to pass through the fire, or the reverse, he incurs no
penalty, unless he does both.
The Mishnah teaches idolatry and giving to Molech. R(abbi)
Abin said: Our Mishnah is in accordance with the
view that Molech worship is not idolatry.
on Fellow Jews who Commit Crimes:
in Modern Times
(Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Abodah
Zarah, Folio 26b)
Rabbi Michael J. Broyde*
The S. Daniel Abraham &
Ira L. Rennert
Torah Ethics Project
The Orthodox Caucus
Toronto, Canada
Netivot HaTorah
Day School
October 19, 2001, at 8:00 p.m.
though Jewish law expects people to observe the laws of the land, and even
imposes that obligation as a religious duty, the Talmud recounts - in a
number of places - that it is prohibited to inform on Jews to the secular
government, even when their conduct is a violation of secular law and even
when their conduct is a violation of Jewish law...Even is secular government...incorporate(s)
substantive Jewish law into secular law and punish violations of what is, in
effect, Jewish law, Jews would still be prohibited from cooperating with such
a system. Indeed, classical Jewish law treats a person who frequently informs
on others as a pursuer (a
rodef) who may be killed to
prevent him from informing, even without a formal court ruling.
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976
audiobook murdered 30 days after this interview (click on video to hear Youtube interview). In this video, Mr. Rosenthal talked
about the Ashkenazi Jewish plan to take over the United States and the world.
The Lost
Item of a Gentile: “If his intention is that he, and not
the faith or Israel, should be praised, or because he loves the Gentile and
has mercy on him, it is forbidden [to return the Gentile’s lost item]”)
Rabbis Say It’s OK to Kill Goyim:
This is not science fiction people. This is not said by some anti-Semitic KKK
or Neo-Nazis these are Rabbis saying it’s OK to kill non-Jews including
children. I have found most of the most damning information about Jewish
crimes comes from Jewish sources not so called anti-Semitic.
Conspiracy of Silence – Banned Documentary: (click on any
photo to see Youtube video)
of Silence is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a U.S. child sex
abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government.
Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a
highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator,
Conspiracy of Silence reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government
have been involved in systematic child sex abuse and pedophilia to feed the
base desires of key politicians.
Paul Bonacci: The Murder [1985 --
GRAPHIC! click on photos below to see Youtube
Paul Bonacci was one of many children who were taken from
Nebraska’s Boys Town foster care/adoption network, brought to the White House
and savagely raped. In this video, Mr. Bonacci describes being taken from the
White House with Nicholas and an unnamed boy. Paul and Nicholas were forced
to rape the boy at gunpoint by the person who filmed the event. Later the
unnamed child was sodomized by the person making the video until his anus
bled, kicked repeatedly in the head and then shot to death – all after being
raped in the White House by Ashkenazi/Jewish and non-Ashkenazi/Jewish
politicians and corporate leaders. Also see https://youtu.be/8b61iIQCapY.
Larry King: Overachiever
Note: Donald Gregg, National Security Advisor to George H.W. Bush was
tasked with silencing those involved. He turned to the CIA.
The Franklin Scandal was only one aspect of a much larger “call boy”
operation moving children and teenagers, picked up from Boys
Town, Catholic orphanages and off the streets, and housed in Washington
and New York primarily.
on the two photos above to see video.
first female pimp, Angelique Sabag Gautiller, Israel's first female pimp and one of many
whore houses in Tel Aviv, Israel that Israeli pimps use to force beautiful,
delicate White ladies from Russia and Slavic countries who have been tricked
and lured with promises of respectable jobs in Israel and then forced to part
with their virginity and gang raped every night by sexually perverted Israeli
and Arab men.
How 11 New York City Babies Contracted Herpes Through - Health;
Baby Dies of Herpes Virus in Ritual Circumcision in NYC Orthodox ...;
Herpes cases among babies linked to ultra-Orthodox Jewish;
NYC, Orthodox Jews in talks over ritual after herpes cases - USA Today;
11 Babies Infected with Herpes in New York - Sandra Rose;
CDC: 11 infants contracted herpes due to controversial Jewish ...;
New York Baby Infected with Herpes After Metzitza
New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish ... - New York Post;
Orthodox Rabbis Fight NYC's Effort to Warn Parents About Herpes ...
Jewish Wisdom: What is a Goy?
Talmudic Jews
'Non-Jews Goyim Are Beasts to
Us as Slaves'
Midrash Rabbah (Soncino) Vol. 1, p. 293:
(Commentary omitted) ...R. Huna also said in R. Joseph's name: You [i.e. Noah
is speaking to Ham) have prevented me from doing something in the dark [i.e.
cohabiting with his wife], therefore your seed will be ugly and dark-skinned.
R. Chiyya said: Ham and the dog copulated in the Ark, therefore Ham came
forth black-skinned while the dog publicly exposed its copulation.
N.Y. State Lawmaker Apologizes
for Blackface Costume
By Sonia Kennebeck,
Tue February 26, 2013
Story Highlights
Democrat Dov Hikind dressed in blackface for a
Purim party.
apologized to "anyone who was offended" but added, "that was
not the intention."
One of his Assembly colleagues calls the apology "a
beginning" but inadequate.
Yair Netanyahu’s Night of
Debauchery Revealed in Bombshell Recordings: Younger Netanyahu heard asking his
friend, a gas tycoon's son, for NIS 400 for strippers, saying he owed him for
$20 billion deal advanced by PM (click on photo to hear Yair
“Rachel” (Vicki Polin) on Oprah Winfrey
Show Discussing “Rachel’s” Ashkenazi Jewish Parents Introducing Her to
Ashkenazi Jewish Ritual Murder and Rape of Children (click on photo to see Youtube video).
Ashkenazi Jewish Slave Trade was not primarily for cheap labor. The race of the
victims was used as an excuse to cover the real goal. The real reason for
Ashkenazi-influenced enslavement of Africans (and all other people since) is
demonic torture, sex and murder. The Babylonian Talmud advocates what the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Illnesses, Volume 5 describes as
sexual sadism. Unless it is forcibly stopped, this group of people (including
non-Ashkenazi members who have aligned themselves with Molech-worshiping
members of the Ashkenazim) will not stop torturing, raping and killing. Like
the demons who possess them, they are sex addicts. Without Jehovah-approved
force, they will not stop. They will continue to use politics, race,
financial issues and other irrelevant issues in the same manner that all
junkies use excuses to hide their addiction. There are no political,
religious, social or other irrelevant issues. They are snuff addicts. Unless
they are stopped, they will continue to try to satiate an insatiable appetite
for torture, deviant sex and murder – a parasitic appetite that, if left
unchecked, will be the undoing of the entire human race. They are snuff
addicts. Nothing more – nothing less.
sexual sadist achieving climax by using a whip to rape a helpless human being
to death.
Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther
King, III, Bernice King, Dexter Scott King and Yolanda King, Plaintiffs, v.
T.D. Loyd Jowers and
Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, Defendants.
child stolen and given to Ashkenazi woman
child with biological mother
Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday (click on photo to read article)
schoolchildren dressed up as the burning
Towers. Costume won best prize.
that lost citizens on 9/11:
Did 9/11; Dr. Alan Sabrosky (click on photo
see Youtube video)
Alleged Hijackers Alive and Well (click on
to see Youtube video)
The Crimes of Senator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere
“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one
שְׁמַע,יִשְׂרָאֵל: יְהוָהאֱלֹהֵינוּ,יְהוָהאֶחָד
“Jehovah went on speaking to Moses, saying: “…’Any man of
Israel and any foreigner who resides in Israel who gives any of his offspring
to Molech should be put to death without fail…I myself will set my face
against that man, and I will cut him off from among his people, because he
has given some of his offspring to Molech and has defiled my holy place and
has profaned my holy name. If the people of the land should deliberately
close their eyes to what that man does when he gives his offspring to Molech
and they do not put him to death, then I myself will certainly set my face
against that man and his family. I will cut off that man from his people
along with all who join him in prostituting themselves to Molech.
the Fire...Out of the frying pan...into the fire:
Dr. Sterling, Dr. Partyka, Dr. Dugat, all psychiatrists who are Ashkenazi-Jews
How the hell can a
facility that refuses to hire non-Jews as psychiatrists respect the
cultural needs of its non-Jewish clientele? Why the *$%@
doesn't NYSOHM worker Janyce Jones say something about it? $100.00 says
that I'll be kicked out just like all the other Ashkenazi-run facilities
that kicked me out
Dear Officer
Deddo, 63 Precinct:
I am in the process of filing complaints against a number of individuals
who violated my constitutional rights at the psychiatric clinic that I
attend. I am afraid that these individuals will tell your precinct that
I acted out, and am in need of hospitalization. I visited your
precinct and spoke with Officer Bowland who assured me that if the
police in your precinct did not observe me "acting out", that
they would not place me in a mental institution. New York State
Mental Hygiene Law 9.05 (http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/MHY/B/9/9.05); New York State Mental
Hygiene Law 9.37 (http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/MHY/B/9/9.37); New York State Mental
Hygiene Law 9.39 (http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/MHY/B/9/9.39). I am treatment-compliant and I have not acted out, either at
the clinic or anywhere else.
Cheryl D. Uzamere
1209 Loring Avenue
Apt. 6B
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel.: (718) 647-1708
Fax: (347) 227-0118
E-mail: cuzamere@netzero.net
URL: http://www.thecrimesofsenatoruzamere.net
Office Number
Fax Number/E-mail Address
Hon. Barack H. Obama,
President, USA
John L. Wodatch,
Chief, ADA
Mr. Dennis Hayashi, Dir.,
Civil Rights, USDHHS
Hon. David Paterson,
Governor, New York State
Hon. Michael Hogan,
Commissioner, NYSOMH
Richard F. Daines, MD, Comm., NYSDOH
Janyce Jones, New York Regional
Office, NYSOMH
Hon. Michael Bloomberg,
Mayor, NYC
Carmen Acosta, Brooklyn
Reg'l Dir., NYSDHR
Bronx Regional Office;
Albany Regional Office,
Binghamton Regional Office,
Buffalo Regional Office,
Long Island Regional Office
(Nassau), NYSDHR
Long Island Regional Office
(Suffolk), NYSDHR
Lower Manhattan Regional
Office, NYSDHR
Upper Manhattan Regional
Office, NYSDHR
Peekskill Regional Office,
Rochester Regional Office,
Syracuse Regional Office,
Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
Catholic Charities of
Brooklyn and Queens
Dr. Partyka,
Dr. Sterling, Flatland Guidance Ctr.
Stephanie Watrel, Therapist, Flatland Guidance Ctr.
Arnold Winston, MD,
Psychiatry, Beth Israel Med.
1- 518-474-8390
Jones an Ashkenazi turd receptacle willing to pick up all the
illegal/unconstitutional crap that Ashkenazi-Jewish psychiatric care
providers drop on their worthless Goy/Nigger clientele
20, 2010
To My
Internet Readers:
If you reviewed my website,
you should know by now what happened to me. Four (4) Ashkenazi-Jewish
attorneys, namely, Allen E. Kaye, Harvey Shapiro, Bernard J. Rostanski and Jack Gladstein facilitated my
ex-husband's acts of immigration fraud and identity fraud. Their acts
of fraud resulted in my never receiving financial care from my husband,
in my putting my children in foster care, and finally, hastened my
descent into mental illness.
After nearly 30 years of
trying, I was finally able to obtain proof of the crimes that the aforementioned attorneys committed against me. I
filed a number of lawsuits, all of which I
lost after they were adjudicated by judges who, like the
Ashkenazi-Jewish attorney who tricked me, are Ashkenazi-Jews.
I am now terrified of
Ashkenazi-Jews. I have made enemies of so many of them, I try hard not
to talk to them about what my ex-husband's Ashkenazi-Jewish attorneys
and their Ashkenazi-Jewish friends who are judges did to my family.
I have now laid the
foundation for the rest of my story.
Given that I have had so
many problems with members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community, I make it
my business to stay away from them, and not tell them about the crimes
that were committed against my family by members of their community. I
did this at several psychiatric clinics, to ensure that the care I
receive is not tainted by religious/cultural bias by members of the
Ashkenazi-Jewish community.
I was referred by the New
York State Office of Mental Health to Catholic Charities' Flatlands
Guidance Center. Once there, I made sure to ask its employees not to
refer me to any of its Ashkenazi-Jewish employees, based on MY BELIEF
that I would receive better care from a person who is not
Ashkenazi-Jewish than from an Ashkenazi-Jew who has a bias based on the
Ashkenazi-Jewish-Talmudic prohibition not to report the crimes of Jews
to non-Jewish secular authorities.
Guess what? Three members of
Flatlands Guidance Center lied and tricked me into believing that they
are not Ashkenazi-Jews. They are: 1) Monica (don't know her last name);
Dr. Sterling; and, 3) Dr. Partyka.
These self-serving individuals really believe, really,
really, really believe, that their perverted, f__ked-up,
narcissistic desire to be accepted and loved by the whole f__kin' planet because they are Ashkenazi-Jews is a
legal right that is even more important than their clients'
constitutional right to privacy. These closet bigots also see no
problem in not hiring non-Ashkenazi-Jews to provide psychiatric
services to Flatlands Guidance Center's disproportionate percentage of
non-Ashkenazi-Jewish clients. In fact, even today, after sitting
next to me and attempting to "play friendly" with me,
Monica admitted to me something she denied weeks before -- that she is
Ashkenazi. This mean that I spilled my guts about my
legal problems with members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community to a
person who is a member of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community. So now,
here is this potential enemy -- who, after violating
my constitutional right to privacy based upon tricking me in the same
manner that the four Ashkenazi-Jewish attorney tricked me, now wants me
to play the "stupid nigger" role and pretend that I
don't see that she is a goddamn liar and a violator of the
U.S. Constitution.
This is the part where
Ashkenazi-Turd-Receptacle Janyce Jones comes in: Flatlands Guidance
Center's supervisory, who are, of course, Ashkenazi-Jews, will tell
Ashkenazi-Turd-Receptacle Jones to kick me out. After all, I'm the
lowest of goy I'm a schvartze with no rights
that a constitutional-rights-violating-New-York-State-law-breaking
Ashkenazi-Jew need respect. Ashkenazi-Turd Receptacle Jones will then
swallow all the crap that Flatlands Guidance Center dropped on me: 1)
Flatlands Guidance Center's Ashkenazi-Jewish employee's violation of my
constitutional right to privacy by hiding their ethnicity and religion;
and, 2) its glaring refusal to hire non-Ashkenazi-Jews to provide
psychiatric services to Flatlands Guidance Center's
non-Ashkenazi-Jewish clients.
If Monica, Dr. Sterling, Dr.
Partyka and Ashkenazi-Turd-Receptacle Jones
still don't understand why I am so enraged that my constitutional right
to privacy was violated based on the aforementioned employees' act of
fraud, then the only way that I can convince them is by dragging their
goy-disrespecting-asses to court.
In the meantime, Monica, Dr.
Sterling and Dr. Partyka, the three
non-goy-psychiatrist-hiring Ashkenazi-Jewish employees who lied about
their identity and tricked me into giving them information that I would
never have given them had I known their ethnicity and religion up front
you don't have to walk around wondering who will clean up the crap you
regularly drop on your non-Ashkenazi-Jewish clients. Ashkenazi-Turd-Receptacle
Jones is right behind you, on her goy knees with her tongue stuck out,
willing and able to catch all the shit you drop on your worthless goy
and nigger clients.
If you shit on my
constitutional right to privacy, or violate the constitutional
rights of others, remember: Being an Ashkenazi-Jew does not
automatically confer victim status. If you violate my
constitutional right to privacy, you are the VICTIMIZER, not the
VICTIM. What is more, if I see that you have violated my
constitutional rights, I will drag you in front of a judge, and I will
kick your ass.
There is no constitutional
or other legal imperative that requires me to divulge information to
members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community. So if any one of you
who is a member of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community believes
that you have a right to know information that I don't what to
tell you, then you are a fool, and you need to be kicked in your head
-- or your ass. I am available to do both in a court of law.
I warn members of the
Ashkenazi-Jewish community: So many of your members have hurt my
family that I no longer trust you. You can find irrefutable
proof of my allegations throughout this website. If I choose not
to divulge certain information to you, respect my wishes and back off.
You have been warned.
Cheryl D. Uzamere No.: ____________
Claimant, CLAIM
against - JURY
State of New York*
I, Cheryl
D. Uzamere, being duly sworn, state the following:
1) That the post office address of
the Claimant is 1209 Loring Avenue, Apt. 6B, Brooklyn, New York, 11208.
2) That this claim arises from the
illegal acts and omissions of Defendant the State of New York.
3) At all times hereinafter
mentioned, Plaintiff was and still is a resident of the City of Brooklyn,
County of Kings and State of New York.
4) This Court has jurisdiction over
this action pursuant to New York State Court of Claims Act, Section 9,
which says: The court shall have jurisdiction: 1. To hear and
determine all matters now pending in the said court of claims. 2. To hear
and determine a claim of any person, corporation or municipality against
the state for the appropriation of any real or personal property or any
interest therein, for the breach of contract, express or implied, or for
the torts of its officers or employees while acting as such officers or
employees, providing the claimant complies with the limitations of this
5) This Court has jurisdiction over
this action as it is an implied cause of action in the manner of Brown
vs. State of New York, 89 N.Y.2d 172, which stated that The
Court of Claims has jurisdiction over claims against the state based upon
violations of the New York State Constitution and is not limited to
common law tort causes of action. The claims based on violations of
Article 1... 11...of the New York Constitution were sustained, and Bivens
v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S.
388 (1971), insofar as the Bivens is a U.S. Supreme Court case
that is binding of all courts within the United States, and was cited as
an authority by the New York State of Appeals.
6) Defendant is the State of New
York, by and through the tortious acts committed by the New York State
Division of Human Rights, and the New York State Office of Mental
Health by its employee, __________ (see Exhibit ).
7) Claimant asserts the following
information is relevant and must be considered by this Court:
a) What Claimant considers to be
Defendants' refusal to investigate Catholic Charities' practice of hiring
only Ashkenazi psychiatrists for its clinics even though Catholic
Charities' Flatlands Guidance Center has a disproportionately high
percentage of clients who are non-Jewish, and/or, of African descent, and/or
who are Christians;
b) What Claimant alleges to be
Defendants' refusal to investigate Flatlands Guidance Center's
psychiatrists' violation of Claimant's right to privacy by tricking
Claimant into believing that they are non-Ashkenazi-Jewish although they
are, in fact, Ashkenazi-Jewish;
c) What Claimant alleges to be
Defendants' refusal to investigate Flatlands Guidance Center's refusal to
be create an environment that is culturally sensitive to its
disproportionately high percentage of clients who are
non-Ashkenazi-Jewish, and/or Christians and/or of African descent.
8) Claimant asserts that the
Flatlands Guidance Center's receives payments for services from Medicaid.
9) Claimant asserts that Medicaid is
funded by the New York City Human Resources Administration.
10) Claimant asserts that the New York
City Human Resources Administrations receives its funds from the New York
State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance or other New York
State agencies.
11) Claimant asserts that the New York
State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance receives a block
grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
12) Claimant asserts that based on the
governmental agencies from which Catholic Charities receives its funds,
that Catholic Charities does not have the right to discriminate in
hiring/employment based on the religion and race of applicants who apply
for positions as psychiatrists with Catholic Charities.
13) Claimant asserts that based on the
hiring practices of the Catholic Charities' Flatlands Guidance Center its
hiring practices are biased toward one specific religious cartel.
14) Claimant asserts that based on the
hiring practices of Catholic Charities' Flatlands Guidance Center, its
hiring practices are in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and New
York State General Business Law Section 340, entitled Contracts or
Agreements for Monopoly or in Restraint of Trade Illegal and Void.
15) Claimant asserts that Catholic
Charities is licensed by the Defendant the New York State Office of
Mental Health, and that as such, is beholden to and required to obey all
of Defendant's laws.
16) Claimant asserts that Catholic
Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn is a domestic corporation that is
registered with the New York State Department of State, and as such, is
beholden to obey the laws of New York State.
17) Claimant asserts that it is not
plausible that Catholic Charities would refuse to hire
Catholics or other Christians as psychiatrists; and that alleges
instead, that since Catholic Charities' Flatlands Guidance Center
only hires psychiatrists who are Ashkenazi-Jewish, that a more powerful
Ashkenazi-Jewish religious cartel ensures that the only
psychiatrists who are allowed to work for Catholic Charities' Flatlands
Guidance Center are Ashkenazi-Jews.
18) Claimant admits that she filed a
complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights; that
Claimant's complaint with the aforementioned agency
was determined not to have a basis in fact or law, such that Claimant's
only other legal recourse is to file a complaint with the New York State
Court of Claims.
19) Claimant asserts that on November
5, 2009, the Daily News, LP and staff writer Scott Shifrel published an article that libeled Claimant as
"wacko" and as "anti-Semitic."
20) Claimant asserts that in response
to the aforementioned newspaper article,
Claimant filed a lawsuit for, inter alia, defamation of character against
the aforementioned entities.
21) Claimant asserts that on or around
February 10, 2010, Claimant was informed by Defendant New York State's
social worker Laurie Velcim頴hat Claimant was found
ineligible for services by the following psychiatric service providers:
1) FEGS/Rockwell CDT, (718-488-0100); 2) Interfaith Medical Center CDT,
(718-613-7401); 3) St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center CDT,
(718-485-7655); 4) New York Psychotherapy and Counseling (on Hendrix St.,
718-485-2100); 4) New York Psychotherapy and Counseling (Linden
Boulevard, 718-235-3100).
22) Claimant asserts that the individuals
employed at the aforementioned psychiatric
services who found Claimant to be ineligible are Ashkenazi-Jews.
23) Claimant asserts that on around May
10, 2010, Defendant's social worker Laurie Velcimé
gain attempted to apply for psychiatric service providers to accept
Claimant as a client, and that the vast majority turned down the aforementioned social worker's request for Claimant to
be a client.
24) Claimant asserts that the
individuals employed at the aforesaid psychiatric service providers who
found Claimant to be ineligible are Ashkenazi-Jews.
25) Claimant assert that Defendant's
intensive case manager Bridget Davis contacted the New York Psychotherapy
and Counseling Center located on Linden Boulevard in Brooklyn, New York,
and made an appointment for Claimant to be seen on a
26) Claimant asserts that she met with
the aforementioned psychiatric service provider
on a Monday; and that the following day, was contacted by the New York
Psychotherapy and Counseling Center and was told that a supervisor named
Ms. Jacobs told Claimant not to come back because Claimant was
found to be ineligible for their services.
27) Claimant asserts that Ms. Jacobs is
an Ashkenazi-Jew.
28) Claimant asserts that when when she first became a client of Flatlands Guidance
Center, she explained to employees of the clinic that the Daily News and Ashkenazi-Jewish
staff writer Scott Shifrel publicly libeled
Claimant as "wacko" and as "anti-Semitic, and that
she believed that it would not be in her best interest to be assigned to
a psychiatrist who is Ashkenazi-Jewish.
29) Claimant asserts that in September,
2010, the psychiatrist first assigned to Claimant was Dr.
Sterling; that Claimant met with Dr. Sterling based on the belief that
Flatlands Guidance Center's staff did not say that he was not Jewish;
that during Claimant's meeting with Dr. Sterling, she explained that she
wanted to make sure that he is not Jewish because she has a number of problems
with members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community, and that did not wish to
say anything to him that would offend him if he is Jewish.
30) Dr. Sterling then admitted that he
is Jewish, and asked Claimant if she liked him.
31) Claimant asserts that Claimant's
right to privacy was violated based on Dr. Sterling's refusal to divulge
information regarding his ethnicity and his religion.
32) Claimant asserts that on October
14, 2010, she met with Dr. Partyka; and that to
avoid the mistake that she made with Dr. Sterling, upon entering Dr. Partyka's room she immediately showed her the Daily
News newspaper article that libeled Claimant as wacko and as
33) Claimant asserts that Dr. Partyka told Claimant that her culture should not
matter to me; and that Claimant informed her that if Dr. Partyka refused to tell her whether
or not she was Ashkenazi, she would assume that she is and not
continue speaking with her.
34) Claimant alleges that Dr. Partyka and Dr. Sterling hid their identities to lull
Claimant into believing that are not Ashkenazi-Jews, so that Claimant
would divulge information regarding Claimant's legal problems with
members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community, thereby giving the aforementioned
psychiatrists the chance to intentionally misdiagnose Claimant as having
paranoid schizophrenia, so as to discredit Claimant's complaint against
Ashkenazi-Jewish attorneys Allen E. Kaye, Harvey Shapiro, Bernard J. Rostanski and Jack Gladstein.
35) Claimant strongly asserts that the
Daily News, that is owned by Ashkenazi-Jew Mortimer Zuckerman and its
staff writer Scott Shifrel, who is also
Ashkenazi-Jewish, has already discredited Claimant's account as
"wacko" and "anti-Semitic."
36) Claimant asserts that Defendant, by
its employees violated Claimant's right to privacy, Claimant's right to
due process of law and Claimant's right to equal protection under
the law, and that the aforesaid constitutional torts give rise to the
filing of an implied cause of action in the nature of Brown v. State
of New York, 89 N.Y.2d 172, 674 N.E.2d 1129, 652 N.Y.S.2d 223, 65
USLW 2355 (1996).
37) Claimant respectfully prays that if
this honorable Court refuses Claimant's request to have her claim
adjudicated by a judge who is African American, then in like manner, this
Court must not assign a judge who is an adherent of the Talmud/the
Ashkenazi-Jewish faith.
38) Claimant asserts that based on that
Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519 (1972), that "however
inartfully pleaded, are sufficient to call for the opportunity to offer
supporting evidence", and that while this Court cannot say
with assurance that under the allegations of the pro se complaint, which
we hold to less stringent standards than formal pleadings drafted by
lawyers, it appears beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of
facts in support of his claim which would entitle him to
relief...although we intimate no view whatever on the merits of
petitioner's allegations, we conclude that he is entitled to an
opportunity to offer proof, such that this Court must justly
conclude that the Claimant is entitled to an opportunity to offer proof
of her allegations.
39) This Claim is served and filed
within 90 days of accrual.
reason of the foregoing, Defendant damaged Claimant by violating
Claimant's right to privacy, Claimant's right to due process of law and
Claimant's right to equal protection under the law; and that insofar as
violation of constitutional law is a damage unto itself, Claimant's prays
this honorable Court to award damages to Claimant in the amount of
$10,000.000.00, and for such other and further relief as this honorable
Court deems just and proper.
Dated: Brooklyn, New York
November , 2010
I, Cheryl D.
Uzamere, being duly sworn, deposes and says that Deponent is the Claimant
in the within action; that deponent has read the foregoing Claim and
knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to Deponent's own
knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged upon
information and belief, and that as to those matters, Deponent believes
it to be true.
Cheryl D. Uzamere
Cheryl D. Uzamere
1209 Loring Avenue
Apt. 6B
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel.: (718) 647-1708
Fax: (347) 227-0118
E-mail: cuzamere@netzero.net
URL: http://www.thecrimesofsenatoruzamere.net
Office Number
Fax Number/E-mail Address
Hon. Barack H. Obama,
President, USA
John L. Wodatch,
Chief, ADA
Mr. Dennis Hayashi, Dir.,
Civil Rights, USDHHS
Hon. David Paterson,
Governor, New York State
Hon. Michael Hogan,
Commissioner, NYSOMH
Richard F. Daines, MD, Comm., NYSDOH
Janyce Jones, New York Regional
Office, NYSOMH
Hon. Michael Bloomberg,
Mayor, NYC
Carmen Acosta, Brooklyn
Reg'l Dir., NYSDHR
Bronx Regional Office;
Albany Regional Office,
Binghamton Regional Office,
Buffalo Regional Office,
Long Island Regional Office
(Nassau), NYSDHR
Long Island Regional Office
(Suffolk), NYSDHR
Lower Manhattan Regional
Office, NYSDHR
Upper Manhattan Regional
Office, NYSDHR
Peekskill Regional Office,
Rochester Regional Office,
Syracuse Regional Office,
Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
Catholic Charities of
Brooklyn and Queens
Dr. Partyka,
Dr. Sterling, Flatland Guidance Ctr.
Stephanie Watrel, Therapist, Flatland Guidance Ctr.
Arnold Winston, MD,
Psychiatry, Beth Israel Med.
1- 518-474-8390
attempts to render me persona non rata and/or hospitalize me to
prevent me from reporting Ashkenazi-Jewish attorneys' facilitation of
immigration fraud and identity fraud
18, 2010
Dear Mr.
Before reading this
correspondence, I respectfully request that you (or your staff) review
the exhibits that are attached to my letter. Reading my letter before
reviewing the exhibits may give you the impression that I suffer with
paranoid schizophrenia (which should not matter since I have a First
Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of
grievances). Reviewing the exhibits before reading the letter will
clearly establish that my allegations have their bases in truth.
I am an outpatient with a
wonderful psychosocial clubhouse named Open House. It is part of the
Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens. The program manager, Mr.
Samuel James, is a caring individual who provides its clients with the
empathetic, professional care that mentally ill patients need. I am
also an outpatient with Catholic Charities' Flatlands Guidance Center.
Based on the problems that I experienced with its psychiatrists Dr.
Sterling and Dr. Partyka, I do not know how
long Flatlands Guidance will allow me to remain an outpatient. I
noticed, albeit alarmingly, that the clinic has psychiatrists, but for
reasons I do not understand, Catholic Charities' Flatlands Guidance
Center does not hire Catholics or any other Christians to be
psychiatrists. It also does not hire people of African descent to be
psychiatrists. This is quite odd considering that the clinic has a
large clientele that I believe to be Christians and of African descent.
It is my belief that this is not the doing of the Catholic Church.
When I first became a
client, I explained to employees of the clinic that the Daily News and
Ashkenazi-Jewish staff writer Scott Shifrel
publicly libeled me as wacko and as anti-Semitic. As a result, I
explained that it would not be in my best interest to be assigned to a
psychiatrist who is Jewish. In September 2010, the clinic first
assigned me to Dr. Sterling. During my meeting with Dr. Sterling, I
explained that I wanted to make sure that he is not Jewish because I
have a number of problems with members of the Ashkenazi-Jewish community,
and I did not wish to say anything to him that would offend him if he
is Jewish. He then admitted that he is Jewish. When I became upset, Dr.
Sterling asked me if I liked him. I became frightened and ran out of
his office.
On October 14, 2010, I met
with Dr. Partyka. To avoid the mistake that I
made with Dr. Sterling, upon entering Dr. Partyka's
room I immediately showed her the Daily News newspaper article that
libeled me as "wacko" and as "anti-Semitic." She
said that her culture should not matter to me. I told her that if she
did not tell me I would assume that she is Jewish and not continue
speaking with her. I told her that because of publicity caused by the
Daily News article of November 5, 2009, other Jews would see me as
anti-Semitic. She then asked me if am anti-Semitic. I became upset and
left Dr. Partyka's office. Immediately
afterward I realized that Catholic Charities' clinic only has
psychiatrists who are Jews. I believe that because of Catholic
Charities' financial problems, they have made "a deal with the
devil" by allowing Jews to violate employment law by not hiring
non-Jews because the Catholic Church needs the money.
I respectfully allege that
Dr. Partyka and Dr. Sterling hid their
identities to lull me into believing that they are not Jews and to hide
the fact that Christians and people of African descent are not allowed
to be psychiatrists there. To hide this, as well as to hide my
continuing complaints against Ashkenazi-Jewish attorneys Allen E. Kaye,
Harvey Shapiro, Bernard J. Rostanski and Jack
Gladstein, I fear that Dr. Partyka and Dr.
Sterling will intentionally attempt to misdiagnose me as having
paranoid schizophrenia, have me admitted as an inpatient and evaluated
by another Ashkenazi-Jewish psychiatrist who will then intentionally
misdiagnose me as having paranoid schizophrenia to discredit my
complaint against Ashkenazi-Jewish attorneys Allen E. Kaye, Harvey
Shapiro, Bernard J. Rostanski and Jack
Gladstein. The Daily News has already done it (see attached article). I
am also afraid that when I visit the New York City Human Resource
Administration's job center at 30 Thornton Street in Brooklyn, New
York, where I plan to apply for a one-shot-deal, a supervisor who is
Ashkenazi-Jewish will either deny or cause to be denied my request so
that I will be evicted, or honor my request in a manner that makes it
impossible to pay to litigate my appeal against the aforementioned
Lastly, I am afraid that I
will eventually be blacklisted again at the behest of another member of
the Ashkenazi-Jewish faith at the clinic/psychosocial clubhouse where I
am a client based on the Talmudic doctrine law of the moser, a religious doctrine that prohibits Jews
from reporting the crimes of fellow Jews to secular authorities.
The following are some of
the psychiatric facilities whose Ashkenazi supervisors blacklisted me:
1) FEGS/Rockwell CDT, (718-488-0100); 2) Interfaith Medical Center CDT,
(718-613-7401); 3) St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center CDT,
(718-485-7655); 4) New York Psych. & Counseling Center (on Hendrix
St., 718-485-2100); 4) New York Psychotherapy & Counseling (Linden
Boulevard, 718-235-3100). New York State's Kingsboro
Psychiatric Center's social worker Laurie Velcim頡nd ICM
case worker Bridget Davis can verify all the continuing day treatment
centers that they contacted to request that I be made a client
(718-221-7013; 718-221-7648).
I do not believe that your
office will help me, but that does not negate my right to demand to be
treat justly.
Immediate Relative Sponsorship form that was
falsified by Ashkenazi Jewish attorneys who facilitated ex-husband's
immigration/identity fraud
Proof that the name "Godwin Uzamere"
does not exist anywhere in the United States
Correspondence from USCIS that Ehigie Edobor Uzamere is
my ex-husband's real name (not "Godwin Uzamere")
Correspondence from USCIS that Ehigie E. Uzamere
is the father of our child
NYS Supreme Court's recognition that Ehigie E.
Uzamere is former husband's name not "Godwin Uzamere"
Birth certificate containing fake identity
that facilitated by Ashkenazi Jewish attorneys Allen E. Kaye, Harvey
Shapiro, Bernard Rostanski and Jack Gladstein
Ashkenazi Jews' adherence to Talmudic doctrine law of the moser resulted in Daily News and Scott Shifrel publishing a defamatory article about me (I
filed a lawsuit against them for defamation they did not interpose an
answer; awaiting Judge Parga's decision)
Talmudic Doctrine Law of
the Moser
Informing on Jews Whom Commit Crimes By
Rabbi Michael J. Broyde
Jews Can Use Subterfuges to Trick Non-Jews
Baba Kamma, 113a
Black/Dark Skin is the Sign of Ha Shem's Curse
Sanhedrin 108b, footnote
Black/Dark Skin is the Sign of Ha Shem's Curse
Rabbah, page 293
(Genesis XXXVI:7)
Halachic Command that One Must Love Jews
One may hate a Gentile; See Daat Emet (see #s 12 and 13)
(Don't be a stupid schmo -- this "law" is not part
of the U.S. Constitution)